Howard S. Danford 

November 9, 2022 
Cognitive biases refer to the cognitive distortions that occur in people.
This distortion of cognition occurs when a person is exposed to certain stimuli in a certain environment. So, if we know what kind of cognitive biases exist and what kind of consequences they can have under what circumstances, we can identify the causes of a person’s irrational behavior.

In this book, I have collected typical cognitive biases and explained their characteristics and behavior in plain text and numerous illustrations. The book is unique in that it approaches the subject not only from the standpoint of cognitive psychology, but also from the standpoints of behavioral economics and evolutionary psychology.

【From the content introduction】

【Table of Contents】
Chapter 1. What is Cognitive Bias?
Chapter 2. Mental Shortcut and Bias
Chapter 3. Rational Judgment and Bias
Chapter 4. Self-perception and bias
Chapter 5. Human Relationship and Bias
Chapter 6. Loss Aversion and Bias
Chapter 7. Decision making and Bias
Chapter 8. Evolution and Bias