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Recommended Books

250Years of Information Technology
by Akira Nakano
From the Semaphore Telegraph to Singularity.
A look at the past, present, and future of IT.

Introduction to Maslow Psychology
by Akira Nakano
Abraham Maslow, Re-questioning his life and thoughts to the present day.

by Howard S. Danford
What is resilience? How can we increase resilience? I will explain the concept and specific methods in layman’s terms.

Introduction to Toyota Production System
by Akira Nakano
Learn about the powerful techniques. The secrets of Just-In-Time, Kanban, Jidoka, Mieruka, and more.

Introduction to Behavioral Economics
by Howard S. Danford
Why do people act irrationally?
Let’s explain the facts with examples and illustrations using the knowledge of behavioral economics.

Introduction to Sun Tzu for Management
by Howard S. Danford
Achieve Your Results
More Efficiently. Unveils management techniques that can make you most excellent.

by Akira Nakano
Understanding game theory as if you were playing a game! All the basic techniques to develop your strategic thinking!