Akira Nakano 

February 9, 2025 

The year 1794 marked the beginning of modern telecommunications. Frenchman Claude Chappe developed the pioneering “semaphore telegraph.” The world’s information technology has since developed into the electric telegraph, telephone, wireless telegraph, radio, television, computer, and the Internet. Some say that in 2045, the Singularity will arrive. In this book, we have taken a look at “250 years of information technology” from 1794, when modern telecommunications began, to 2045, when the Singularity will arrive. By grasping the major flow of the development of information technology, we may be able to look ahead to the digital and AI societies of the future.

【From the content introduction】

【Table of Contents】
Prologue Information Technology from an Eco-historical Perspective
Chapter 1 Chappe’s semaphore telegraph takes to the skies
Chapter 2 Communication with Electricity
Chapter 3 Voice travels down the cable
Chapter 4 Make Your Voice Heard over the Airwaves
Chapter 5 Arrival of the Television Broadcasting Era
Chapter 6 The Birth of Computers
Chapter 7 Nerve Network Covering the Earth
Chapter 8 IoE, Big Data, and AI
Epilogue Entering the Era of “Super” Conflicts